My Love Story

My safe space is anywhere in nature. I love climbing and hugging trees, talking to birds, and offering my presence to Mother Earth. I feel welcomed when I am rooted in the soil that my ancestors knew and grew on. I can feel the pulse and heartbeat of life with my bare feet kissing the ground. The photo you see on this page is adult me invoking my inner child, who felt free to be, explore, laugh, and play with the other living beings surrounding me.

The words of Elie Wiesel, “There are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win,” sum up many of my triumphs in life. During my childhood, I endured adversity that left me overwhelmed with anxiety, depression, and complex PTSD. Anger was the only strong emotion allowed to be expressed. My well was full and I spent many years soaking in stagnant water without healthy outlets or guidance. My birth was not planned so I entered a world of conflict, stress, and unresolved trauma. There were good moments that I’m grateful for—ones of awe, laughter, and love. The problem was nobody was being taught how to process their difficult emotions, so there were more flare-ups and fights than conscious communication. I internalized many negative messages that have taken years to reckon with and release.

My soul is endlessly curious, loves learning, and strives to live lightly and laugh often. Out of sheer survival, I observed the emotional nature of humans and remain an eternal hobbyist and scholar of the humanities—specifically in the fields of literature (I hold a Bachelors), poetry, psychology, and spirituality.

I lived through many lonely, self-loathing days where I felt so alienated that all I could do was find stories and other creative escapes to sustain my spirit. All this early isolation was great for my independence but not so great for building trust in relationships. Through struggling with and healing my addictions and self-harming behaviors, I learned to face the lessons and find light in the dark while nursing healthier habits, but I am an eternal work in progress.

In the midst of life’s chaos and darkness, I found the lifeline of writing. Writing in a journal is a powerful tool for introspection, personal growth, and emotional balance. I didn’t have many people to talk to about my troubles, so writing to myself transformed from survival tactic into sanctuary. It gave me air and room to discover and express my true voice. My journal never judged me. It allowed me room to grow and process what was happening inside. As Anaïs Nin beautifully said, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Writing gives me the gift of being intimately involved in life’s experiences, both as they unfold and as I reflect upon them. While I loved expressing my odd and ordinary musings, I also felt a cathartic release from penning my truth to paper. By transcribing our thoughts and feelings, we bring them into existence and suddenly (sometimes) density lifts, and our conversation with ourselves shifts. Writing unlocks my essence from silence and gives me the freedom to embody the full expression of me. Thus began my quest of searching for other stories and words that spoke to me.

My other artistic loves are cinema and music. I loved going to the movies as a kid. Becoming immersed in stories soothed me from my own. This was also how my siblings and I escaped our harsh reality at home. And, of course, for entertainment purposes. Being absorbed in another’s story offers us empathy, insight, and incredible depth of feeling into another’s heart. Eventually, of course, I learned that the books tell our stories with refined clarity and integrity. I swiftly became enamored with storytellers of all kinds. Music was always playing in my room, and I still dance to my heart’s content until the pain I feel is cast away with my movement.

My wish is to do what my favorite teachers did for me: amplify and uplift the voices inside of us that need to be heard. As a soft-spoken, sensitive soul, I know too well the experience of having an urge to say something and choosing to keep it bottled up out of fear, insecurity, and self-doubt. I try my best to live life aware and expressive of who I truly am, recognizing that my voice and words may land in another person’s heart when they most need it. I recognize that my body knows when I do not use my voice. Our bodies remember when we resist and repress and hold tension. This is why somatic experiences (grounding and embodiment practices) are crucial to full-spectrum healing. Connect with your living organism. Move, run, literally shake the energy out so it can be released. Remind your beloved body that you are in control and vow to take exquisite care of this borrowed flesh, this precious vessel.

In my late teens, I began to meditate regularly and accessed heightened creativity, presence, and peace. During my college years, I fell back into habitual destruction and doldrums after losing three people close to me. I sought professional help from a psychotherapist and explored holistic healing modalities like EFT, meditation, and yoga. This unearthing process has given me profound freedom and deep relief. I know that everyone’s story is unique, and I hold reverence in my heart for the diversity of human experiences.

My intention is to honor everyone’s unique life path, the lives of our ancestors, and those we love who are no longer on this realm with us. We are all spiritual beings and we are all interwoven into the web of interconnected life. I want to encourage others to connect with their inner wisdom and make holistic healing modalities accessible. My approach prioritizes compassion and respect for the soul’s individual journey. I do my best to provide a safe and supportive space where folks can explore their emotions and navigate their personal journeys with deep care and understanding. I believe it is our birthright to be in touch with our essence. I am here alongside you, ready to help you discover words that are meaningful for you. Regardless of whether you are the sole guardian of your story or choose to share it with others, your voice is valuable.

I currently live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with my partner, Britt and our cat and dog, Nina and Tom. I am committed to make the world a more peaceful place by sharing my gifts and exchanging ideas. Please reach out to me if you want to know more. I look forward to hearing your story.

“You have a unique body and mind, with a particular history and conditioning. No one can offer you a formula for navigating all situations and all states of mind. Only by listening inwardly in a fresh and open way will you discern at any given time what most serves your healing and freedom.” ~ Tara Brach

Love Always,
